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Ballysillan Primary School Ballysillan Park, Belfast

Typical Day in Nursery

Nursery is always so busy and packed full of learning and fun! We enjoy indoor play and outdoor activities at our 'Sunshine and Showers' classroom. We have story time and songs; learn self-care skills such as toileting, washing hands, and brushing our teeth! We have table top play in which we can enjoy ipad time and board games. We have snack and on Monday 7th October we start dinners.  There is always lots to do in Ballysillan!

Our Nursery Day


9:00 - We arrive to our Sunshine and Showers classroom for outdoor play 

9.15- We head inside for indoor play

10.15 - We take it in turns to spend time in our Story Room & Calm Room

10.45 - We head outside for outdoor play in our Sunshine and Showers classroom 

11:45 - We sit and eat our lunch together in our dinner room

12:30 - We take part in table top activities in our classroom e.g board games and fine motor skill development 

1:30 - We come home and tell you all about our day!

We also take part in weekly Nurture, Music and P.E. lessons.

Our Snack table is open from 9:00 - 11:00 for us to help ourselves to fresh fruit, crackers, milk and more! 


You can keep up-to-date with our fun on Seesaw and our school Facebook!