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Ballysillan Primary School Ballysillan Park, Belfast

Primary 5/6

Hi everyone! P5/6 have a very exciting term ahead of them.

In our literacy we will be revisiting our punctuation and grammar this term. As well as looking at various longer pieces of writing. Including instructional writing, persuasive writing and poetry. In numeracy there is a lot to cover but its always helpful to get re-establish yourself with the fundamentals of numeracy. We will be sending a long time looking at place value and keep an eye out on Facebook for some really nice outdoor lessons we look at for shape and space.

This term we will also be delving right back into the our ICT lessons and working through various Purple Mash tasks and revisiting Scratch Junior to build on our coding skills from last year. Our PE lessons will be focused on Games for the first 6 weeks which will be a lot of fun!

Our Topic this term is the human body, where we will look at all the amazing functions of the body. Including a hands on experiment of the digestive system. This could get messy!

Keep an eye out on Facebook for our most update lessons.





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