Primary 5/6
Hi everyone,
Welcome to P5/6! Our teacher is Miss Mercer and our classroom assistants are Miss McClune and Miss Murray! We have had a fabulous start to our P5/6 journey and cannot believe we are in our second half term!!
Within our Literacy lessons we will be focusing on different writing genres and refreshing our grammar and comprehension skills. In addition, it is our goal to develop our AR reading scheme both in class and at home!
Within our Numeracy lessons we will strengthen our times tables while continuing working on the four operations. We love to get outside and make the connection between our 'classroom learning' and 'Real Life' situations. Have you ever noticed all the 2D and 3D shapes that make up our environment?
In addition, we will have weekly PE, ICT, Art, PDMU and music lessons.
Our WAU topics are:
Vikings - we have had a fabulous visit to North Down Museum!
The Human Body
Check out our school Facebook page on a weekly basis for updates on our 'Real Life Learning' activities!
Class Photograph